So I don't know about you but I never really thought of my parents as "cool". Don't misunderstand me I love my parents they are good parents and I have always liked to do things with them but this weekend I realised that they were and are pretty cool. I guess I never paid attention or maybe they assumed that they had told me some of these stories because they had told my sisters but I never knew about some of the things they did when they were younger I guess that's part of being the baby of the family. We went to the Car Show this weekend and Dad likes to talk to people and look longer at the cars so Mom and I let him go his own pace and here's the funny thing My mom knows more about vintage cars than I thought she did. I've always known that my dad can name a car make, model, and year from just looking at the body style but my mom can too! With lots of the cars that we saw she could guess the year without looking at the tags and she nailed almost every one of them. And I knew that they had owned a GTO Judge when they were young but they also owned a little hot rod car like the bright green one dad is next to in one of the pictures and they owned a little Corvair convertible. How come I never knew my parents once owned a convertible? All I have to say is My parents are cool.... The things you learn!
P.S. I had to throw in a couple of pictures of the car I want to own someday My 65 Ford Mustang Convertible
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